We have an entire page dedicated to that dialogue, anyway.
I'm neutral on that: It would be a nice addition, but being a wiki, we don't really need little things like that. The Silencer has spoken 22:27, 10 April 2012 (UTC) I think I've seen that happen to a couple other pages, though I can't remember which. I think adding the Guards dialogue about your skills to the top of each skill page would be a nice touch, and not totally unnecessary, or clutter the page. It was also asked by the same user on the Disease Talk page. gained for skills like one-handed depends on the amount of damage dealt, so would a disease like rockjoint affect the exp gained? - Unsigned comment by ( talk) at 03:32 on 6 April 2012 The answer to this question is yes, it does. I tried with other items I could make and the exp scaled accordingly. I then proceeded to create higher valued items, such as the chest pieces, and the value of those and the resulting bar movement was greater. While I used to be able to just make iron daggers (still could) it was taking way too long to level up than I had remembered. Unsigned comment by ( talk) at 03:09 on 3 April 2012 Having recently gone through making smithing to 100 on my latest character under the 1.7 and 1.8 patches, I can confirm this is true. I believe patch 1.5 makes Smithing experience dependant on the value (or similar parameter) of the item made. For more details, see each skill's article." For Smithing, however, only the number of forged items matter, not the quality or the amount of resources it took to forge that item. For example, by selling higher value items to merchants, the player gains experience in their Speech skill. The skill advancement mechanism differs between skills.
You cannot on console - Unsigned comment by ( talk) on 20 April 2012 I think it was a misunderstanding - original poster probably meant "developer/debug interface available on PC when pressing ~ key" and third comment used "console" in the meaning of "x-box-like device" Sergio Morozov ( talk) 15:03, 27 December 2012 (GMT) Skill Advancement The ID for a perk can be found on the page for the individual skill. Hi, Does anyone know a way to remove or add perks through the console ? Thanks - Unsigned comment by ( talk) at 15:45 on 2 March 2012 It's player.addperk ID and player.removeperk ID.